How To Support Monstera Plant

How to support a monstera plant

Have you been enjoying your Monstera plant lately but noticed it looks like it wants to fall?

Don’t worry; it is completely normal! Monstera plants are tropical vines that need proper support to ensure their stems and leaves don’t bend and break. 

You might have heard about traditional methods such as tying the stems with cohesive tapes or using staking materials for extra strength and stability – making them stronger against the wind or any other external forces. 

In this blog post, you will learn how to effectively use these traditional supports and inventive ideas such as bamboo poles, strings, rods, and even hanging ideas on the wall. 

Let’s begin our journey of finding ways how to support monstera plant.

Understanding Monstera Genus: Naturally Climbing Plants

Monstera is a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae, native to tropical regions of the Americas. The genus includes about 50 evergreen vines, shrubs, and epiphytes species.

While Monstera plants are known for their climbing habit, not all species within the genus are natural climbers with the same growth pattern. 

For example, Monstera deliciosa, also known as the Swiss cheese plant, is a climbing species that naturally grow up trees and other supports in its native tropical rainforest habitat.

However, some species of Monstera, such as Monstera adansonii, also known as the Swiss cheese vine, are more suited to trailing or hanging growth rather than climbing. These plants may still benefit from support, such as a trellis or moss pole, to encourage upright growth.

While many Monstera plants are naturally climbing, trailing and hanging species are within the genus. Proper support and care can encourage upright growth in a vining plant, while trailing and hanging species may benefit from a support structure that allows them to grow naturally in their preferred direction. 

Why Monstera Needs Support

i. Replicates its natural habitat

Monstera plants are native to tropical rainforests, where they climb trees and other supports to reach the sunlight. Therefore, supporting your Monstera plant can replicate its natural habitat and encourage healthy growth.

ii.  Grow bigger leaves with more fenestrations

With proper support, Monstera plants can grow bigger leaves with more fenestrations (natural splits in the leaves). Fenestrations add to the plant’s unique aesthetic and improve its ability to photosynthesize and process light.

The plant can grow more leaves with the right support, resulting in more fenestrations.

iii. Prevent a messy-looking Monstera

Without support, Monstera plants can grow messy and tangled, resulting in a less visually appealing appearance. Proper support can encourage upright growth, giving the plant a neater, more organized look.

iv. breakage

As Monstera plants grow larger, they develop mature leaves that lead to weight increases, and the stem becomes more susceptible to breakage.

Providing support can help prevent the plant from breaking or falling over, which can be damaging to the plant and messy for the surroundings.

v. Aids in propagation

When Monstera plants are trained to climb support, they develop more aerial roots, which can be used for propagation. These monstera’s aerial roots can be carefully cut and propagated into new plants, resulting in a higher yield of Monstera plants.

vi. Easier maintenance

When Monsteras are grown without support, they can be difficult to maintain and prune, leading to an uneven, tangled appearance.

Providing support can make pruning and maintenance easier, resulting in a more organized and visually appealing plant. You will start noticing healthy dark green leaves due to proper care. 

How to support a monstera plant Image

Ways to Support a Monstera Plant

The most common way to support monstera plants is to use a moss pole. This section describes some important aspects to note while using a mose pole. 

Moss Poles

Moss poles are a popular and effective support structure for Monstera plants and climbing pothos. They replicate the plant’s natural environment and provide a stable structure for it to climb. 

Here’s how to use a moss pole to support your Monstera plant:

When to Add a Moss Pole

You should add a moss pole when your Monstera plant develops aerial roots or begins to lean or topple over. This typically happens when the plant reaches for light or outgrows its pot.

Factors to Consider When Installing a Moss Pole

Avoid Disturbing Roots: When installing a moss pole, to avoid disturbing the roots of the Monstera plant. Carefully insert the pole into the potting soil and avoid damaging the roots. You can also use a hand trowel to make a hole in the soil before inserting the pole to minimize root disturbance.

Size of the Moss Pole: The pole should be tall enough to accommodate the plant’s growth and allow it to climb without being too heavy or cumbersome. A good rule of thumb is to choose a pole that is at least as tall as the plant.

Pole Stability: The pole should be strong enough to support the weight of the Monstera plant and remain stable when the plant is climbing it. A good way to ensure stability is to anchor the pole to the monstera’s pot using twine or plant ties.

Placement of the Pole: Position the support pole in the center of the pot, where the Monstera can easily access it. It’s also good to position near a light source, as Monstera plants thrive in bright, indirect light.

Type of Moss: Choose a high-quality sphagnum moss that will provide adequate moisture and humidity for the monstera’s aerial roots. Avoid using low-quality or dry moss, which can cause the plant to dry out and damage the roots. Regularly mist the moss on the pole to keep it moist and humid for the plant.

How to Support Monstera with Moss Pole

Here’s how to support both young and mature Monstera plants using a moss pole:

For Young Monstera Plants:

  • Choose a small moss pole that is slightly taller than the plant itself.
  • Gently insert the moss pole into the soil near the base of the plant, taking care not to damage any roots.
  • Secure the support pole to the pot using twine or plant ties.
  • As the Monstera plant grows, continue to adjust the height of the moss pole and secure it to the pot to ensure stability.

For Mature Monstera Plants:

  • Choose a larger moss pole that is tall enough to accommodate the height of the mature plant.
  • Gently insert the moss pole into the soil near the base of the plant, taking care not to damage any roots.

The Best Support for Monstera

Eibikdi 6 Pcs Moss Pole

[amazon box=”B09JP3JFMF” template=”horizontal”]

The Eibikdi moss pole is loved by many for several reasons. Firstly, it enables plant lovers to train their climber plants to grow upwards, making them more beautiful and easier to manage. Its extendable design makes it versatile and adaptable to different plant sizes and spaces. 

Using natural coconut fiber material adds an organic aesthetic to the pole and provides a healthy and sustainable growth environment for the plants. 

Lastly, the eibikdi moss pole is easy to use and set up, making it a great choice for novice and experienced plant enthusiasts.

Remiawy moss pole

[amazon box=”B09B9GDSMW” template=”horizontal”]

If you’re looking for a versatile and customizable moss pole, then the REMIAWY moss pole is worth considering. With the ability to interchange the poles to your desired length, you can adjust to fit the unique needs of your plants. 

Its easy-to-fit design ensures that it can be assembled quickly, with no fuss or complicated instructions. Finally, the REMIAWY moss pole is known for its sturdiness, providing ample support for your plants to grow tall and strong. 

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, this moss pole is a great investment for any plant lover looking to enhance the beauty and health of their greenery.

Fusisis mose pole

[amazon box=”B09DPTRT64″ template=”horizontal”]

The Fusisi moss pole is an excellent investment for any plant lover, offering a range of benefits that make it well worth the money.

Firstly, the use of natural coconut coir fiber in its design makes it ideal for trailing plants, as the texture and composition of the material allow for easy clinging and growth. 

This ensures your plants stay healthy and well-supported, with no risk of damage or stunted growth. Additionally, the natural appearance of the moss pole allows it to blend in seamlessly with the rest of your garden, adding to its aesthetic appeal. 

Whether you’re looking for a reliable support system for your plants, or want to enhance the beauty of your outdoor space, the Fusisi moss pole is definitely worth considering.

How to Make a Moss Pole Support (DIY Moss Pole)

Materials Needed:

  • PVC pipe or bamboo pole (at least 3 feet long)
  • Sphagnum moss
  • Twine or plant ties
  • Scissors
  • Spray bottle with water

Step-by-Step Procedure:

  1. Choose a PVC pipe or bamboo stick at least 3 feet long and strong enough to support your Monstera plant.
  2. Cut a piece of sphagnum moss long enough to wrap around the pipe or stick. Soak the moss in water until it is thoroughly moistened.
  3. Wrap the moistened moss around the pipe or stick, ensuring you do it tightly and evenly. 
  4. Leave about 1-2 inches of space at the top and bottom of the pole without moss to secure it to the pot.
  5. Secure the moss to the pole using twine or plant ties, making sure to tie it tightly to prevent it from unraveling.
  6. Use a spray bottle to mist the moss pole with water, ensuring it stays moist.

Alternatives to Support Monstera Plant

Here is a list of other moss pole alternatives to can try:

i. Trellis

A trellis is a type of support structure made of wood, metal, or other materials that can help Monstera plants grow vertically. Trellises are great for climbing plants as they provide stability and strength. 

They also allow more air circulation around the plant’s stems, which can improve its health. Monstera plants must be tied securely to the trellis as they grow and checked regularly to ensure no damage or stress on the stems.

ii. Garden/Bamboo Stakes

Garden stakes are a great way to provide added support for Monstera plants. They come in a variety of sizes, materials, and colors. Most garden stakes are easy to install and can be driven into the soil or potting mix with minimal effort. 

Garden stakes should be spaced close enough to support Monstera plants growing and climbing up the stake.

iii. Coco Coir Poles

Coco coir pole is a great alternative for supporting Monstera plants. The natural coir fiber, made from coconut outer husk, is an excellent material for encouraging aerial roots to grow, allowing the plant to climb and attach itself to the pole.

It also provides excellent drainage and air circulation, creating a healthy and supportive plant environment. 

Coco coir poles are eco-friendly and sustainable, making them a great choice for environmentally-conscious gardeners. If you’re looking for a natural and effective support system for your Monstera plant, coco coir poles are worth considering.

Additional Tips to Keep Your Monstera Growing Straight 

  • Provide Adequate Support – Monsteras are climbing plants and need support to grow straight. Place a tall trellis or stake close to the plant and use soft ties to secure the stems against it as the plant grows. This will help the stem stay upright and encourage new growth in an upward direction.
  • Prune Regularly – If your Monstera is leaning too much in one direction, pruning can help it grow upright. Use sharp pruners to cut back any curving stems so that the plant isn’t weighed down, then tie the stem to a stake or trellis for extra support.
  • Encourage Even Growth – Make sure that the Monstera is exposed to light evenly all around so it doesn’t become lopsided. Rotate the plant occasionally if you notice one side growing faster.
  • Avoid Too Much Fertilizer – Overfeeding your Monstera can lead to too much growth on one side, causing it to lean. Avoid fertilizing more than once a month and stick to organic fertilizer options such as compost tea or fish emulsion.
  • Check the Soil – Make sure that the soil surrounding your Monstera is loose and well-draining; otherwise, the plant’s roots won’t be able to spread evenly underground, and it will lean in one direction. Use a soil amendment like perlite to help improve drainage.
  • Give It Space – If you’re growing your Monstera in a pot that’s too small, the roots may become overcrowded and cause leaning or curving of the stem. Make sure you have a pot with plenty of room for

Disadvantages of Allowing Monstera to Climb

The plant may grow too big

Allowing Monstera to climb can cause the plant to become a giant monstera plant, which can be a disadvantage for those who don’t have enough space. 

As Monstera grows, it can become top-heavy and may need additional support, such as larger stakes or a stronger moss pole. This can become problematic if the plant outgrows the space available, making it difficult to move around or relocate.

Consistently requires trimming

As Monstera grows and climbs, it may require regular pruning to keep it under control. If left unchecked, the plant can become overgrown, making it difficult to manage and potentially damaging to the structure supporting it. 

Trimming Monstera can also be time-consuming and require some skill to ensure the plant remains healthy and continues to grow in an aesthetically pleasing way.

Difficulty to move around

Once Monstera has been allowed to climb and become established on a moss pole or stake, moving the plant around without damaging it can be challenging. 

The larger the plant, the more difficult it can be to relocate it to a new position or room. This can disadvantage those who like to change their décor regularly or have limited space to work with.

May require extra care

Allowing Monstera to climb can also mean that the plant may require additional care, such as more frequent watering or fertilizing. 

Climbing Monstera can also be more susceptible to pests and disease, making it important to keep a close eye on the plant and take preventative measures to keep it healthy.

Can damage walls and surfaces

Monstera plants with aerial roots can sometimes attach themselves to walls, surfaces, and other plants nearby. This can cause damage to walls, paint, and other surfaces as the roots grow and penetrate the surface. 

This can be especially problematic in rental properties or homes with delicate surfaces that may be expensive to repair or replace.

Can block natural light

As Monstera grows and climbs, it can potentially block natural light from reaching other plants in the same area or limit the amount of natural light entering a room. 

This is problematic for other plants that require sunlight to thrive and may also impact the overall aesthetic of the space.


Does a Monster Need Support?

Yes, Monstera plants need support as they grow larger and heavier. Without proper support, the plant may become top-heavy and topple over. As it grows, you can use stakes, trellises, or moss poles to support your Monstera. Supporting your Monstera not only keeps it upright but also helps it to grow tall and lush.

Why is my Monstera falling off?

The most common reason is overwatering or underwatering, which can cause the roots to rot or dry out. Another reason could be a lack of support or not using a stake to keep the plant upright. Additionally, lack of sunlight, low humidity, or pests can cause stress to the plant and lead to dropping leaves. Check your plant’s soil moisture level, lighting, and humidity to prevent the issue from getting worse.

How to keep Monstera upright?

You can keep your Monstera plant upright by providing it with proper support. Using stakes or trellises, or a moss pole, can help keep the plant’s weight distributed and prevent it from falling. When your Monstera is young, it is easier to shape it by training it to grow upright using a stake. Additionally, water your Monstera plant properly, as overwatering can cause the plant to become top-heavy and fall over.

How do you stop Monstera from growing sideways?

To stop your Monstera from growing sideways, you can train it to grow upwards using a stake or moss pole. As the plant grows, you can gently guide the stems to wrap around the support and continue to grow upward. Additionally, make sure that your plant is getting enough light and that it’s not reaching towards a light source, which can cause it to grow sideways.

How to train Monstera to climb?

To train your Monstera to climb, you can use a moss pole or a stake. Place the stake or moss pole in the center of the pot and tie the stem of your Monstera to the support using garden ties. As the plant grows, continue to guide the stem to wrap around the support. You can also use pruning to shape the plant and encourage it to grow upwards rather than outwards.

Should I let my Monstera plant climb indoors?

Yes, you can let your Monstera plant climb indoors. Monstera plants are known for their aerial roots, which allow them to climb up trees in their natural habitat. Providing your plant with a stake or a moss pole to climb can mimic this natural behavior and help to create a lush and full plant. Also, Monstera plants are easy to care for and make great indoor plants, adding a touch of greenery to any space.

Wrap Up: Add the Support

We’ve discussed how to properly use a moss pole, other alternatives, and the best techniques to support your monstera plant. Ultimately, it’s important to choose what works best for you and your houseplant; with patience and research, you can ensure your monstera is always at its healthiest. 

At the end of the day, there are many creative ways to ensure your monstera plant has the help it needs. From creating the DYI moss pole, your monstera can be enjoyed and nurtured in any home environment. 

Above all, remember that providing support for a monstera is ultimately not difficult when you have the right tools. 

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