Can Monstera Live Outside?

If you are an indoor plant enthusiast, you’re familiar with the Monstera or the Swiss Cheese Plant. People adore it for its beautiful leaves and elegant leaves. 

The plant is native to the tropical forests of Central and South America. Monsteras prefer warm temperatures and high humidity in their natural habitat.

So, can Monstera live outside? Yes. It can. Monstera plants’ capability to thrive outside depends on your region’s climate.

Monstera plants will survive outdoors throughout the year in locations with a USDA hardiness zone of 10-12. 

Areas susceptible to freezing cannot host a monstera outside in winter but will comfortably do so in summer. This blog post will tell you everything you need about growing monstera outdoors and how to move an indoor plant outside during the summer.

Different Types of Monstera

Forty-eight monstera species exist, but only a few are available in your nearby nursery. 

Since monstera leaves evolve a lot during their lifetime, they are incorrectly labeled in nurseries. A young plant could look very different from its mature counterparts, and you might think they are from another species. The most common types of monstera plants are

  • Monstera Deliciosa
  • Monstera Dubia
  • Monstera Borsigniana
  • Monstera Variegata
  • Monstera Obliqua,
  • Monstera Adansonii
  • Monstera Siltepecana

Are Monsteras Indoor or Outdoor Plants?

Though indoor monstera won’t grow as tall as their wild counterparts, they’ll be a stunning centerpiece in every room but need special care. ( more on this later).  

The ability of this indoor plant to flourish outside depends on the weather in your region and USDA’s hardiness zones.

The USDA hardiness zones map is a criterion by which growers can decide which plants or crops will most likely prosper in a given environment.

Note that Monstera flourishes outdoors in their natural habitats. They enjoy unrestricted water access, humidity, indirect sunlight, and nutrients.

These tropical vines can be fruitful plants for gardeners in the proper location, as they produce delicious fruit (therefore the name deliciosa) and massive foliage. 

How to Grow A Monstera Outside

A monstera needs well-drained soil or a raised bed in direct or filtered. The spot must be protected from frost because monsteras can’t withstand freezing temperatures. 

Water the plant daily and use liquid fertilizer once a month. Since monstera deliciosa can grow one to a foot taller yearly, it provides sturdy support.

Monsteras are native to Central and South America, ranging from Mexico to Panama. They populate these regions’ tropical forests.

In the wild, they grow up tall trees and get to the upper canopy. So, they access the scarce and coveted bright sunlight that hardly reaches the ground in these locations. To grow monstera outside, you must match their growing conditions in the wild.

Care Requirements For Growing Monstera Outdoor: 

If you want to grow Monstera outside, remember a few essential growth requirements to ensure your plant blooms.


Monstera plants prefer warm temperatures ranging from 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and no lower than 50 degrees Fahrenheit at night.

However, as long as they are not exposed to frost or freezing temperatures, they can tolerate slightly cooler temperatures.

You could let Monstera deliciosa live outside, but protect it from freezing temperatures.  Bring your monstera inside or cover it with a protective layer during winter, granted that  live in a cold climate.

USDA Hardiness Zones 

Keep your USDA hardiness zone in mind when growing monstera outside. This is a method of classifying different regions based on their average minimum winter temperatures. It can help you determine what indoor plants will thrive in your area.

Monstera plants are tropical plants that prefer warm temperatures and are susceptible to frost and freezing temperatures.

In case you live in an area with cold winters, selecting a hardy Monstera variety that can withstand your climate is critical. 

Some places you could grow monstera outdoors in the US are California, Hawaii, and Florida. You could grow these house plants out of North America in tropical and subtropical areas and warm temperate regions that do not experience freezing conditions.

Appropriate Soil

Monstera thrives in well-draining soil, which allows excess water to drain seamlessly.

To make a well-draining soil for your Monstera plant, combine equal parts peat moss, perlite, and sand. Monstera grows best in slightly acidic soil with a pH between 5.5 and 7.

Ensure that the soil is rich in organic matter. Add compost or well-rotted manure to the soil to enrich it. Monstera plants prefer moist but not waterlogged soil, so avoid overwatering the plant.


Place your monstera in a location that receives bright indirect light but still gets plenty of direct sunlight during the day. In the wild, monsters get filtered light from towering rainforest canopies.

So, you must provide similar light conditions with no sun exposure. Grow monstera deliciosa outdoors under a tall tree.     

The leaves may turn yellow or brown if your monstera is exposed to too much direct sunlight.

On the other hand, if it doesn’t get enough light, the leaves may turn pale, and the plant may become leggy.

Please avoid deep shade, as it will slow your plant’s growth. Also, if you opted for variegated monstera such as Monstera Borsigniana or Thai constellation, as they won’t get appropriate coloration.

Please note that all parts of this plant, except the ripe fruit, are toxic to humans and pets. So, a wider variety is not suitable for pet lovers.

Choose a mini type, such as M. deliciosa borsigiana. You can keep it on high shelves to protect your nosy furry buddies and kids from reaching it.

The beautiful monstera can cause skin irritation when touched and severe stomach pains if ingested due to calcium oxalates available in its sap. 


Be keen to water the plant when the first inches of porous soil mix is dry. Poke your fingers gently into the plant soil to ascertain its dryness.

Water your plant when the top couple of inches of soil is dry. Check the soil’s dryness with your finger.

This tropical plant prefers miry well-draining soil because too much moisture can cause root rot.

These indoor plants can also develop aerial roots with time. You could cover these roots with damp sphagnum moss or guide them to soil where they will receive enough water.


Because Monsteras are natural climbers, teaching them to climb can be a rewarding way to show off their natural beauty.

You might want to grow monstera deliciosa outdoors and grow upward, providing sturdy support to grow up against and help it stay vertical.

You could use a bamboo stake, trellis, or moss pole. A moss pole is an excellent option as it offers organic support.

The plant’s aerial roots will adhere to the pole and direct the plant upward. 


Like other house plants with leafy foliage, Monstera plants require a 3-1-2 N-P-K ratio. This translates to three parts nitrogen, one part phosphorus, and two parts potassium.

These three amazing macronutrients are essential for the health of your plant’s leaves, stem, and roots. They also encourage the distinctive split leaves seen o your Monstera plants.

Feed your monstera every two weeks (spring and summer) during the growing season. Reduce feeding to once a month in the winter.

To avoid burning the roots, water a Monstera before fertilizing. Keep an eye on your monstera’s growth and adjust feeding as necessary. Overfertilization can be harmful to the plant.


Beautiful Monstera can get quite large and bushy; it will be challenging to manage if not properly pruned.

Furthermore, pruning can encourage new growth and keep your plant healthy and vibrant.

Trim yellowing, wilting, or damaged stems. Use clean, sharp tools to prevent damaging th plant or spreading infection. Make clean cuts with pruning shears or scissors.

When pruning a stem, cut just above a node (the point where the leaf or stem meets the main stem) to stimulate new growth from that node.

Although Monstera tolerates pruning, trim up to 25% of the plant at once to keep the plant alive.


It is essential to repot outdoor monstera to refresh the soil. Over time, the soil in your monstera’s pot can deplete nutrients, making it more difficult for the plant to grow.

Repotting your monstera allows you to refresh the soil and provide your plant with fresh nutrients. Also, it gives the roots ample room to grow and absorb water and nutrients.

Avoid repotting your plant during winter, as it is not actively growing due to low light and cooler temperatures. Repotting during this time will slow its growth and make it look stunted.

Factors Affecting the Life of Monstera Growing Outside,

Monstera plants grow excellently in hot, humid tropical climates, but they will also thrive and fruit in warm subtropical climates globally.

These Plants prosper in light shade (filtered sunlight), as direct sunlight can cause leaf scorching.  Keep in mind that Monstera is sensitive to freezing temperatures.

Leaves are killed at 30 to 32 degrees Fahrenheit and stem at (-1.0 to 0°C), at 26 to 28°F (-2 to -3°C). Monstera vines grow well in locations with cool temperatures if they are lightly shaded, particularly in winter.

If you place Monstera outside, know that you are putting up the following things, which could impact the plant negatively or positively.


Placing Monstera in the rain could be a good idea. It gives outdoor monstera a much-needed bath. Rain washes away dust, dirt, or debris that may have accumulated on the leaves. This opens up the stomata, allowing the plant to absorb nutrients and carbon dioxide excellently. 

Rain comes with wind, and the wind could knock over, break your pricey container, and hurt the plant. Also, if the rainwater is hard ( based on where you live), It will dissolve minerals in the tap water you use to irrigate your house plant.

It is ok to let your monstera enjoy light rain if the rainwater isn’t hard to avoid depleting the minerals in the potted monstera, which could impact its growth.


Monsteras are extremely sensitive to temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit and will die if left outside at this cold temperature. Monstera deliciosa grows best in USDA hardiness zones 10 through 12. Zone 10 has extreme lows ranging from 30 to 40 degrees F. Zone 12 has temperatures ranging from 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

The Monstera plant grows best in temperatures ranging from 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. These temperatures are almost similar to what it would experience in its natural habitat. You will kill a Monstera if you keep it in temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

Also, keep your monstera away from doors and drafts, as these places with excessive temperature fluctuations threaten the plant’s survival.


Even the most vigilant houseplant owners eventually encounter the notorious problem. Pests.

Even though Monsteras are relatively resistant to pesky pests afflicting other indoor plants, they can be plagued by pests such as spider mites, scale, thrips, and spiders. You can save Monstera from these insects using Neem oil or insecticidal soap.

Check your monstera for bug infestation when you notice the signs below. 

  • Yellow leaves
  • black powdery or white materials 
  • White, yellowish, or whitish spots on stems or leaves
  • webbing

You could use a magnifying glass to see if you can see the uninvited guests. 


To stop leaf burn, keep Monstera away from direct sunlight. Remember that Monsteras grow in tropical rainforests, so they prefer indirect sunlight.

Placing your plant on a porch without exposure to bright light is best. Keep an eye out for sunburn or wilting symptoms on a Monstera deliciosa and relocate it if needed.

How to Move Indoor Monstera Outside

If you are unlucky to grow monstera outside throughout the year, bring your indoor monstera outside during summer.

Do not toss Monstera out and leave it to its own devices. Take some time to acclimate the plant to the new surroundings. Although it might take a few weeks, it will minimize the possibility of shock a monstera could experience.

Here’s how to go about it.

Wait until the weather is warm: Monsteras thrive in tropical rainforests and prefer warm temperatures. Wait until temperatures get to 60°F (15°C) or above 

Start with short periods: leave a monstera outside for an hour or two when starting to let them acclimate. Increase the time spent outdoors gradually to allow the plant to adjust to changes in temperature and light.  

Choose a shady spot – Monstera plants prefer bright, indirect sunlight, so choose a shaded place outside. Direct sunlight can cause leaf burn. 

Water regularly: Outdoor Monstera dries out faster than indoor Monstera. Water this tropical plant regularly when the top inch of the soil feels dry to the touch.

Keep an eye out for pests: Outdoor plants are more susceptible to pests. Look for bugs or insects that might feed on the plant. 

Bring it inside at night: Monstera plants are not frost tolerant, so bring your plant indoors if temperatures drop below 60°F (15°C) to protect it from cold temperatures.

How Invasive Are Monsteras?

Monsteras are regarded as mildly invasive plants in Hawaii and Florida. These states discourage planting them outside, but it is not illegal.

When planting monstera outside, as with other invasive species, be mindful of the native plants. 

Monsteras compete for resources with other plants and win most of the time.

Although a massive thriving monstera is impressive, ensure it does not overpower other plants.

Plant Monsteras in well-drained soil in a buried container to create an artificial barrier to prevent the monstera’s roots from dominating an entire area.

Will putting my monstera outside help it to grow?

Yes, Placing monstera outside can help it grow for two reasons.

To begin with, Monstera thrives in bright, indirect light. Placing them outside exposes them to more natural sunlight than they would receive indoors. This sunlight gives the plant the energy it requires to produce food via photosynthesis, allowing it to grow. 

The warm weather encourages enormous leaf growth with lovely fenestrations. Bringing potted plants outdoors makes them appear fuller. The sunlight stimulates dormant buds, enabling the plant to grow thicker.

Second, being outside exposes the plant to natural air currents, which helps it develop stronger stems and leaves.

Outdoor air is also more humid than indoor air, which benefits Monstera foliage because it prefers a slightly moist and humid environment.

These plants thrive in humidity levels of 40%- 50%. You can increase humidity by misting them. You could also raise the humidity levels by Mulching, using water-filled trays to surround the plant, or growing them alongside other plants.

Can A Monstera Plant Tolerate Cold Weather?

Monsteras are sensitive to cold temperatures. Do not grow monstera where the temperature falls below 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

Letting your beautiful monstera grow in freezing temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit could harm or kill the plant.

Can a Monstera grow outside all year in your location?

An area’s climate determines a Monstera’s ability to live outdoors. Since these tropical plants require high humidity and bright sunlight to thrive, they’ll need similar conditions outside. Monsteras are highly sensitive to temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit and will die if left out.

Monstera delicios grows best in USDA hardiness zones 10 through 12. Zone 10 has extreme lows ranging from 30 to 40 degrees F. Zone 12 has temperatures ranging from 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Zone 11 is located between the two. Regions that fall into these zones are Hawaii, central and southern Florida, southern California, Puerto Rico, and other locations globally.

If you live in these zones, you could grow monstera outside throughout the year.

Places outside these zones can’t support a happy, healthy monstera outdoors all year round as these locations could drop below freezing, risking your outdoor monstera.

So, in case you reside in these locations, bring your monstera inside during winter. Stay on top by growing your plant in a portable container for seamless movement.

Can Monstera  Deliciosa Survive Under A Shade?

Monsteras love to thrive under a sheltered or filtered shade, even though they continually look for more natural light in the wild. Even so, be mindful of your Indoor Monsteras and protect them from the direct sun since their leaves could burn, turn yellow and eventually fall off.  

If you are planting or placing monstera permanently outside, place it under a filtered or full shade. A Monstera grown outside adapts as it grows and may eventually receive full sunlight as when vining, but it will withstand it.

What Temperature Ranges Are Optimal For Monstera Plants?

Monstera flourishes in warm climates where the late-night temperature never falls below 40° Fahrenheit.

Similarly, it will prosper in locations with hot, sunny days and high humidity levels.

However, if you allow your monstera to spend the spring and summer outside, bring it in before night temperatures fall below 50° F.

How Long Can A Monstera Live Outside

The capability of a Monstera to thrive outside is determined by the climate of the area in which you live.

Monstera will flourish outside throughout the year in places with USDA hardiness zones 10-12. Locations prone to freezing will be unable to host a Monstera outdoors during the winter but might be able to do so in the summer.

Can I put my potted monstera outside?

Yes. It is Ok to put Monstera outside during summer. But you need to acclimatize the plant gradually.

Start by leaving it outdoors for a few hours in the morning and late in the evening. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight to stop the leaves burn. Place it on the porch or any other spot shielded from the bright sun. 

Final Thoughts on Can Montera Live Outside

Monstera can live outside throughout the year in USDA hardiness zones 10-12 because the temperature does not fall below freezing.

Refer to your place’s USDA plant hardiness zone to see if you can grow monstera outdoors. You could also bring Monstera outside during summer.

Whether you grow monstera outdoors throughout the year or want it to vacation in summer, place the indoor plant under a filtered shade and watch for pests. 

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