Baltic Blue Pothos Plant Care

The Baltic Blue Pothos is an excellent option for any interior space. This low-light houseplant has a unique touch of color as its dark-green foliage with silver-blue accents shines through every corner of your home. 

Not only are they eye-catching, but they’re also easy to take care of, which makes them perfect for both novice plant parents and experienced green thumbs alike. 

In this blog post, we cover the basics of caring for a Baltic Blue Pothos Plant, so read on if you want to learn everything there is to know about keeping this stunning specimen thriving in your space. 

Scientific nameEpipremnum pinnatum ‘baltic blue’ 
NativeAsia, Australia 
Growth zoneUSDA 10b to 12
Plant typeVine
Growth size10-12 ft. tall (indoors), 20-30 ft. tall (outdoors) 
Growth rateModerate to fast
FloweringRarely flowers
Soil pHAcidic
ToxicityToxic to humans and pets
Common pestsSpider mitesMealybugs
DiseasesPythium root rot (Pythium splendens)Rhizoctonia foot rot (Rhizoctonia solani)Southern blight (Sclerotium rolfsii)

What is Baltic Blue Pothos?

Baltic blue pothos, scientifically known as Epipremnum pinnatum ‘baltic blue,’ is a stunning plant variety that belongs to the Arceae family. It is a perennial plant type, meaning it can live for several years if properly cared for. 

With its beautiful appearance and air-purifying qualities, the Baltic blue pothos plant is a delightful addition to any home or office space. Notably, the plant grows moderately fast and can grow as high as 12 feet. 

Read: Epipremnum Shangri La Pothos Care Guide

How Do You Identify A Baltic Blue Pothos

Baltic Blue Pothos is an easily recognizable houseplant due to its distinctive leaf characteristics. This plant has subtle heart-shaped leaves that are large, thick, and textured and can be identified by their deep blue-green leaves or variegated hues in white, yellow, or pale green. 

Baltic blue pothos leaves have prominent veins that create an interesting pattern, enhancing the plant’s overall beauty. Baltic Blue Pothos has a unique stem structure, with aerial roots that latch onto other objects as it climbs. 

This plant produces fruits and grows well in warm climates. To identify Baltic Blue Pothos, looking for the aforementioned attributes is essential.

The heart-shaped leaves with thick textures, the variations in color, and the large size and pattern of veins are key features that distinguish this plant from others. 

The aerial roots latch onto other objects and are distinguishing features that easily identify Baltic Blue Pothos. 

With these comprehensive and descriptive details, identifying this plant should be effortless.

Baltic Blue Pothos Care Needs

With proper care, and Baltic Blue Pothos can thrive indoors or in outdoor containers for many years. Here is a guide to help ensure your Baltic Blue Pothos stays healthy and happy:

  1. Light

The optimal lighting for Baltic Blue Pothos plants is bright indirect light, with 8-10 hours of exposure daily. An alternative option is to use LED grow lights, which allow 10-12 hours of exposure daily. This plant thrives in warm spots that are exposed to either indirect or bright light – this could include areas near a window or any well-lit area. 

When positioning the plant in its new location, ensure it has ample light exposure, and take extra care to avoid direct contact with strong sunlight, as this could cause the leaves of your Baltic blue pothos to burn.

Like other pothos varieties, the amount of light necessary will vary depending on the season, so you may need to adjust your plant’s environment accordingly.

Check out Global Green Pothos

Signs your Baltic Blue Pothos needs more light

  • The leaves of your plant are pale.
  • The leaves of your plant are small.
  • The stems of your plant are long and leggy.
  • Your plant is not growing.
  • Your plant is dying.

How to maximize light exposure

  • Place your plants near a south-facing window.
  • Move your plants around occasionally to ensure they’re getting even light exposure.
  • Use a grow light if you don’t have access to natural light.
  • Consider using a reflective material like foil to boost the light reaching your plants.
  • Be careful not to overwater your plants, as this can block out light


The ideal soil mixture for baltic blue pothos should be well-draining, meaning it should not retain too much water, and any excess moisture should quickly evaporate. It should also contain organic matter such as peat moss or compost to provide the necessary nutrients for strong root growth. 

The soil should be light, with a mix of potting soil and perlite, vermiculite or sand to ensure adequate airflow in the soil. Plus, ensure it is not densely packed, as this can lead to poor root growth and insufficient aeration. 

The Soil pH for Baltic Blue Pothos is important as it affects the uptake of nutrients by the plant. The ideal pH range for this species is neutral to slightly acidic, ranging from 7 to 5.5pH on the pH scale. 

You can add lime to the soil to raise the soil’s pH level. Alternatively, to lower the pH, add sulfur, so that the plant can absorb nutrients effectively. The right PH levels maintain a healthy root system and overall growth for Baltic Blue Pothos. 

Too much water can cause the plant to develop root rot, while too little water can cause it to wilt and die. Therefore, the soil should be kept slightly damp, providing enough moisture for the roots without allowing them to sit in soggy conditions.

The best type of soil for Baltic Blue Pothos is a specifically formulated pothos-specific soil, which will retain the correct amount of moisture. 

To determine if the soil is damp enough, use your finger to check the top layer of soil. If it feels dry or dusty, then it needs more water. 

The Best commercial potting mix for Baltic Blue Pothos to Buy

Perfect Plants Organic Pothos Soil

DIY soil mix for Baltic Blue Pothos

A DIY soil mix for Baltic Blue Pothos can be made at home using the following materials: 10 parts Coco Coir, 5 parts Perlite, 4 parts Vermiculite (orchid bark mix) and 1 part Compost (or other suitable plant food). 

When mixed, this combination of ingredients creates a soil that is light and well-draining, which is perfect for the Baltic Blue Pothos. The Coco Coir provides aeration and drainage, while the Perlite and Vermiculite help to retain moisture in the soil. The Compost adds necessary nutrients to promote healthy growth. 

Signs the soil isn’t suitable for Baltic Blue Pothos plant

  • The soil is too dry
  • The plant leaves will begin to turn brown and crisp, and the plant will dies.
  • The soil is too wet
  • The plant leaves will begin to turn yellow and mushy, and the plant will eventually die.
  • Pothos plants cannot get rid of excess water in the soil. 
  • The pH level of the soil is unstable.


Baltic Blue Pothos plants need moderate watering to keep them healthy and thriving. The best way to gauge when the plant needs to be watered is by using a finger test, poke-a-stick method or a moisture meter. 

A reading of 3 on the moisture meter will indicate that the soil is dry. During active growing seasons in spring and summer, Baltic Blue Pothos should be watered once a week. During slower-growing seasons such as wintertime, it is best to water your plant once every fortnight.

It is best to water the soil until it is completely saturated; however, ensure that you are not over-watering to not cause issues such as root rot and leaf burn.

Rainwater or distilled water at room temperature is the best type of water as other types may contain minerals or chloramines that could harm the plant. 

How to Water Baltic Blue Pothos

  1. Check the soil-Before watering your Baltic Blue Pothos, inspect the soil for dryness. Stick a finger about an inch deep into the topsoil; if it feels damp or slightly moist, you don’t need to water it yet.
  2. Water thoroughly-When it is time to water your Baltic Blue Pothos; give the pot a good drink of water. Aim for enough that the soil is completely saturated, and wait until you see excess water flowing out of the bottom drainage holes. 
  3. Allow to dry-After watering, allow the soil in your Baltic Blue Pothos pot to dry out completely before you water again to prevent root rot from overwatering and keep your plant healthy and happy. 
  4.  Monitor soil moisture levels- You must check the soil of your Baltic Blue Pothos regularly to ensure it is not getting too dry or wet. 

Signs of Underwatering

  • The leaves turn yellow if it is not getting enough water.
  • The leaves start to droop
  • The stems turn brown 
  • Your pothos plant will stop growing

Signs of Overwatering

  • The leaves of an overwatered pothos plant will be yellow and/or wilted.
  • The leaves become too soft to the touch.
  • Brown or black spots on the plant leaves
  • Soft and mushy stems
  • Rotting roots

4. Temperature

The Baltic Blue Pothos is native to tropical climates, so it requires moderate-high humidity and minimum temperatures of 64.4°F to thrive. 

Indoors, the plant does well under normal temperature conditions; however, its ideal temperature range should be between 90℉ (21-32 degrees celsius). 

If the temperature falls below 70°F (21 degrees Celsius), the Baltic Blue Pothos’ growth rate will slow. If temperatures dip below 50°F (10 degrees Celsius), it can shock and eventually kill the plant. 

Hotter temperatures (greater than 90°F) will cause the stem and leaves to dry out due to excessive transpiration, which can also be detrimental to the plant’s health. 

Tips for Maintaining Optimal Temperature

  • Check the temperature of your room before adding any plants

The optimal temperature for most houseplants is between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. If your room is outside of this range, it may be difficult to maintain the proper temperature for your plants.

  • Consider the type of plant you are adding to your home.

Some plants are more tolerant of cooler or warmer temperatures than others. If you are unsure about the ideal temperature for a particular plant, research it before bringing it home.

  • Use a thermometer to monitor the temperature in your home.

Place a thermometer in the room where you keep your pothos plants and check it regularly to ensure that the temperature remains within the optimal range.

  • Adjust your thermostat as needed.

If the temperature in your home tends to fluctuate outside of the optimal range, adjust your thermostat accordingly. This will help to ensure that your plants always have the ideal conditions for growth.

  • Place your plants in a location that receives indirect sunlight.

Too much direct sunlight can cause the leaves of your pothos to scorch, so it is important to place them in a location that receives indirect sunlight or filtered light.

  • Group plants together to create a microclimate.

Placing pothos plants close together can create a microclimate in which the temperature is higher than in the surrounding area. This can be beneficial for plants that require warmer conditions for growth.

  • Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air.

Dry air can cause baltic blue pothos to wilt, so it is important to use a humidifier to add moisture if needed.

Signs of Unfavorable Temperatures 

  • Wilting
  • Leaf Drop
  • Flowering Problems
  • Reduced Growth
  • Death
  1. Humidity

Baltic Blue Pothos thrive in average household humidity levels; the ideal range for these plants is between 60-80%. Humidity levels that are either too low or too high can be damaging to Baltic Blue Pothos, so it’s important to measure relative humidity using a hygrometer.

How to Ensure the Right Humidity Level

Daily misting can be beneficial in maintaining adequate humidity levels, as it helps to replenish moisture lost through evaporation. Mist leaves once or twice a day with water and try not to let them dry out completely between mists.

A humidifier may also be useful if you live in a dry climate and struggle to keep your plants from drying out.

If you don’t have the means to regulate the humidity in your home, you can still do some things to help your pothos. Place it near other houseplants that need similar levels of humidity. 

Grouping plants helps increase humidity around them as water evaporates more slowly from the soil. Similarly, you can place your pothos near windows, and doors kept slightly open or near a humidifier to increase humidity levels if the home is too dry. 

Adding a pebble tray filled with water beneath your pothos container can also help. The water will evaporate and humidify the air around your pothos. These tips can help keep your Baltic Blue Pothos healthy and thriving. 

Low Humidity Signs

  • Wilting
  • Pothos leaves turn yellow
  • The leaves drop off
  • Dry leaves
  • Crispy leaves

Too High Humidity Signs

  • Growth of molds
  • The leaves are constantly wet
  • Rotting 
  • Musty odors
  • Slow growth
  1. Fertiliser

You should fertilize your baltic blue pothos for the following reasons:

Most Potting soils are enriched with some nutrients

The potting soil used for Baltic Blue Pothos typically contains controlled-release fertilizer, which provides plant nutrition over a period of time.

Although this fertilizer will sustain the plant for a short while, it is not enough to meet all the nutritional needs of the Pothos, and eventually, the fertilizer will be depleted. 

Potting soil nutrients get depleted in 6-12 months

After about 6-12 months, the controlled-release fertilizer will have been used up and the potting soil should be replaced with fresh, nutrient-rich soil.

However, this can be a costly process and so instead, it is recommended to supplement the soil with a high-quality fertilizer. 

Replenish with high-quality fertilizer

Adding a good quality, balanced fertilizer will ensure that the Baltic Blue Pothos is provided with all the necessary nutrients to stay healthy and continue growing. Selecting a fertilizer specially formulated for foliage plants such as Pothos is important.

Fertilizer function like vitamins for plants

Just like humans need vitamins to stay healthy, so do plants. Fertilizers provide essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (also known as macronutrients) necessary for plant growth and development. 

Nutrient Requirements

Nutrients are essential for plant growth and productivity. Plants require larger macronutrients (such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) to support their structure and function. 

Micronutrients (such as iron, copper–boron, zinc, chlorine, and nickel) are needed in much smaller quantities, but they play an important role in the overall health of a plant. 

In addition to macronutrients and micronutrients, other small doses of essential elements such as calcium, magnesium, and sulfur are needed for healthy growth. 

Frequency of Fertilization

Fertilizing during the active growth season (summer and spring) is important to keep your Baltic Blue Pothos healthy. A light liquid fertilizer should be applied 1-2 times a month, following the manufacturer’s instructions for dilution and frequency of use. 

Fertilizing should be avoided during the plant’s dormant period, usually in late winter or early spring. It is also important not to fertilize after transplanting or repotting your Baltic Blue Pothos, as this can cause fertilizer burn and damage to the plant’s roots. 

Product recommendations

Signs of Over-Fertilization

  • Excessive Growth
  • Yellowing or Browning of Leaves
  • Wilting
  • Slow Growth
  • Death

Signs of Under-Fertilization 

  • Yellowing leaves
  • Slow growth
  • Small leaves
  • Few flowers or fruit
  • Overall poor health
  1. Pruning

Pruning helps trim older foliage and maintain the overall health of Baltic blue pothos. Pruning is important for keeping Baltic blue pothos healthy and looking its best.

Removing old, dying, or damaged leaves and stems allows new growth room to flourish while eliminating potential infection sources like stem rot. Additionally, pruning encourages new growth on the plant, which helps to keep it vibrant and lush. 

Pruning can help prevent many potential infections by removing diseased or damaged foliage harboring infection sources. Removing these infected areas will reduce the risk of further infection, allowing the plant to remain healthy and thrive.

It also helps to manage plant size. Removing excess foliage, it helps to keep the plant from spreading too far and reduces its overall height or width.

This is especially useful for potted plants and those who don’t want their plants to take over the space in which they are kept.

Prune baltic blue pothos during early spring because this is when the plant is in its highest growth period. Cut any vines that are not growing outward or have become too long.

bPruning will help promote healthy new foliage growth, reduce leaf yellowing, and create a fuller-looking plant. You can also prune off dead leaves or stems to help keep your baltic blue pothos looking their best.

Avoid pruning during winter because the plant’s growth slows down. During these months, prune only if necessary to remove dead or damaged foliage.

How to Prune Baltic Blue Pothos

Materials you Need. 

  • Clean, sharp pruning shears
  • Rubbing alcohol or disinfectant wipes (to sterilize the shears)
  • Container for collecting the trimmed foliage

Step-by-Step Process 

  1. Sterilize your pruning shears with rubbing alcohol or disinfectant wipes. This prevents the spread of diseases or infections from other plants.
  2. Identify the stems or leaves you want to trim. Look for any damaged, diseased, or yellowing foliage.
  3. Make a clean cut just above the node or where the leaf meets the stem using your clean and sterilized pruning shears. This encourages new growth at the node.
  4. Collect the trimmed foliage in a container or bag for disposal.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 until you have trimmed as much as desired.
  6. You can also trim the vines to manage the plant’s size or shape. 
  7. After pruning, thoroughly water your Global Green Pothos to help it recover.

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Pruning Baltic Blue Pothos

  • Cutting too many stem
  • Using blunt pruning shear
  • Pruning during the plant’s dormancy stage
  • Pruning a young monstera
  • Pruning bare hand
  1. Propagation

Propagating baltic blue pothos is simple with minimal effort. Here are a few steps to propagate baltic blue pothos: 

Step 1: Cut bStem

Choose a healthy vine from your parent baltic blue pothos plant care. Look for a vine that has at least 3-4 leaves and nodes.

Use clean and sterilized pruning shears or scissors to cut the vine below a node.

Remove the bottom leaves from the pothos cuttings, leaving only the top 2-3 leaves.

Optional: Dip the cut end of the stem in rooting hormone powder or gel.

Step 2: Root tbbbhe Cutting

i. Water propagation

Water propagation is an easy way to propagate houseplants from cuttings. To start, fill a container or glass jar with tepid or distilled water and submerge the rooted cuttings so the roots are in the mixture while the leaves are out of the water. If desired, add some rooting hormone to the water and place it in a bright location with indirect sunlight. It is important to replace the water every 4-5 days or when it starts to turn yellow. Within 2-3 weeks, the roots should have grown to at least 2 inches long, at which point you should transfer the cutting to a pot filled with nutrient-rich soil. This should be done within a few weeks of the roots sprouting for best results.

ii. Soil propagation 

Propagation through soil is a great way to propagate plants, and can be done by preparing a 3-inch pot with a suitable soil mix. Ensure the soil has multiple drainage holes, and moisten it thoroughly with water. 

Then, mix some rooting hormone and fungicide and carefully apply the mixture to the cut end of the stem cutting. Insert it into the soil and place it in a well-lit area, and after a few weeks you should start to notice signs of root growth. 

Allow the plant cutting to grow for 2-3 months before beginning regular maintenance routine, then transfer it to a larger container so that its roots have enough space to develop fully 

  1. Potting & Repotting

It is important to repot blue baltic pothos because it will help the plant stay healthy and happy. Repotting annually or every two to three years for mature plants ensures that the soil mix remains fresh and provides essential nutrients for the plant’s roots. 

By doing so, the root system can spread out properly and prevent them from becoming pot-bound, which can cause issues like poor drainage and a lack of oxygen. Additionally, repotting provides an opportunity to prune the pothos, removing dead leaves and stems that no longer support healthy growth. 

When done correctly and at the proper intervals, repotting blue baltic pothos plants can help them thrive and flourish in their new home. 

Signs your Baltic Blue Pothos needs repoting

  • Leaves turning yellow or wilting
  • Outgrown pot
  • Waterlogged soil
  • Root-bound
  • Growth slows down or stops
  • Foul odors coming from the pot:
  • Presence of pests.

How to Pot & Repot Baltic Blue Pothos  Step by Step

Step 1:  Gather Your Supplies: You’ll need a potting soil mix, drainage hole in your new pot and a moisture meter to check the soil. 

Step 2: Preparing The Soil: Mix together the potting soil and perlite with water until it is moist but not soggy.

Step 3: Planting The Pothos: Carefully slide your pothos from its old pot and place it into the new one.  Make sure to leave some space between the top of the soil and the lip of the pot for easy water drainage.

Step 4: Watering Your Plant: Once you’ve planted your Baltic Blue Pothos, you can water it thoroughly and let the excess drain out of the drainage hole.

Common Problems with Baltic Blue Pothos

Like other houseplants, Baltic Blue Pothos can be exposed to certain problems. Unfortunately, these problems catch up with the plant weather in a hanging basket or planter pots. They include: 

i. Root Rot

Root rot is a common problem in Baltic Blue Pothos and can be caused by overwatering. It will cause the plant’s roots to become waterlogged, leading to root decay and eventual death.

The best way to avoid root rot is to make sure your pothos are not kept in standing water and are only watered when the top two inches of soil are dry.

ii. Bacterial Leaf Spots

 Bacterial leaf spots can be caused by various factors, from high humidity to too much fertilizer.

These spots will appear as small yellow or brown spots on the leaves, which can eventually spread and cause defoliation. To prevent bacterial leaf spots, make sure to keep your pothos in a spot with good air circulation, as well as providing adequate fertilization.

iii. Pests and Diseases

Pests and diseases are always a risk when growing Baltic pothos. Common problems include aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, and fungal infections. To prevent these issues, make sure to inspect your plant regularly and address any infestations right away. 

Regularly washing the leaves with a mild soapy water solution can help keep pests at bay. Also, ensure you’re not over-fertilizing or keeping the plant in overly damp soil. 

Uses of Pothos

Pothos is a great low-maintenance houseplant that adds life and color to any room. It’s easy to care for and doesn’t require much attention or light, making it a great plant for busy people or those new to cultivating plants. 

The attractive foliage of Pothos makes it an ideal decoration for any room in the house. It can be used to fill empty corners, cascade from bookshelves, or trained on a trellis to add vertical interest and color. 

Pothos is also effective for improving air quality in your home by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere.  

This plant is also an excellent choice for offices since it can help reduce stress and boost creativity among workers

Where To Buy Baltic Blue Plant

Home Depot– Home Depot is one of the largest home improvement stores in the United States. They sell a wide variety of products, including Baltic Blue Pothos. 

Lowes- Lowes is another large home improvement store that sells Baltic Blue Pothos. Lowes also has a wide network of stores, so it should be easy to find one near you. 

eBay– eBay is an online marketplace where individuals and businesses can sell products. You can find Baltic Blue Pothos for sale on eBay. However, check the seller’s feedback score before purchasing to ensure that you are dealing with a reputable seller.

Local Nursery-A local nursery is a great option to see the plant in person before purchasing. Nurseries typically have knowledgeable staff who can answer any questions that you may have about caring for Baltic Blue Pothos. 

Things to Avoid When Dealing with Baltic Blue Pothos Plant Care

  • Direct sunlight
  • Putting the plant next to an air conditioner or heater
  • Overwatering or underwatering
  • Closed and congested spaces
  • Fertilization after repotting
  • Cutting too many stems while pruning
  • Dense potting mix


Is Cebu Blue Pothos the same as Baltic Blue Pothos?

No. Baltic Blue pothos is closely related to Cebu Blue pothos (Epipremnum pinnatum ‘Cebu Blue’), but it is a different plant. Baltic Blue tends to have darker leaves that fenestrate earlier compared to other pothos plants. Cebu Blue Pothos has foliage that has a much more silvery blue cast.


All in all, taking care of your baltic blue pothos is essential for it to live its fullest potential and look beautiful.

You must provide it with the right soil, water it correctly, give it enough sun and warmth, prune its vines and leaves, inspect it for diseases, clean dust off of its leaves regularly, provide adequate humidity and fertilizer, and repot your baltic blue pothos occasionally if needed. 

With these simple steps on how to take care of your baltic blue pothos propagation will help you reap the rewards.

With proper care, your baltic blue pothos could become a delightful showpiece of any room in no time. 

All that’s left to do now is start your journey to baltic blue pothos plant care. 

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