Baby monstera deliciosa Plant

Did you know a baby Monstera Deliciosa can purify air more efficiently than many large plants?

As an avid gardener with a decade of experience nurturing these unique plants, I understand the challenges you face in growing them.

Whether you’re dealing with yellowing leaves or stunted growth, this article is your guide to nurturing a thriving baby Monstera.

Packed with practical tips, it will transform your plant care routine and help your Monstera flourish. Let’s unlock the secrets of this fascinating plant together!

Getting to Know Your Baby Monstera

Commonly known as the Swiss Cheese plant—owing to its leave fenestrations that form as the plant matures, or Windowleaf, Mexican Breadfruit, or Split Leaf Philodendron, monstera deliciosa is an evergreen beauty that belongs to the Araceae family.

Native to the tropical rainforest of Central America, where it grows vertically to great heights, the plant is the most popular species in the Monstera genus. 

When provided with the right growing conditions, the plant matures with massive, heart-shaped leaves that form large holes along its main leaf vein and splits on the outer edges of the leaf. 

Besides their aesthetic appeal, this classic houseplant is also valued for its air-purifying ability and natural mood booster with edible fruits that taste like a combination of bananas and pineapples. It’s an essential addition to your collection.

Most houseplant lovers rarely think of their monsteras as climbing vines, yet they are. And we understand why. Many monstera plants look similar, and narrowing down your type can be fun. 

Do you have pets in your home? This is for you. Plants from the Araceae family are toxic to pets when consumed. Be sure to train your pets never to eat any part of your houseplants. 

However, in case of ingestion, contact your vet immediately. Also, note that all parts of a monstera deliciosa are poisonous to humans except the well-ripened edible fruit. 

CAUTION: DO NOT EAT your monstera deliciosa fruit if you’re unsure.   

Understanding How Monsteras Grow

Monstera plants are hemiepiphytes; that is, they are epiphytes and terrestrial plants at the same time. Epiphytes grow upwards beneath the canopies of middle or lower tree trunks in the rainforests. 

Monsteras grow flat on the ground as terrestrial creepers during the seedling phase. Those creep on sloppy areas moving uphill, unsurprisingly a tropism characteristic that helps them to find tree trunks. 

Some monstera species, such as the Monstera dubia and Monstera tenuis, present negative phototropism in that they grow in the direction of darkness. 

Moreover, this characteristic is adaptive as it helps the plant to find tree trunks hidden in dark areas. 

During this phase, the nodes of this plant develop short-term roots that measure around (1 millimeter) 3/64 inches and rarely grow above 20 centimeters (7.8 inches) long.

Even then, the seedlings might be distinctive in the juvenile phase or non-distinctive regarding growth habits and appearances. 

Now, let’s look into each of these prodigies in detail.

1. Distinctive seedling phase– baby Monstera deliciosa with stolons

For the Monstera genus within the Marcgraviopsi category—monstera dubia, monstera spruceana, M. acuminate, and Monstera tuberculate, seeds sprout to green, leafless thin runners or stolons. And they love growing underneath litter with lower light, making them appear whitish most of the time. 

Measuring around 3/64 inches (1 mm) in diameter, these runners can grow to heights of up to 6.6 feet (2 meters) without increasing in diameter. The stolons also boast long internodes of 1.5 to 4 inches, whose nodes produce cataphylls (bespoke leaf-like bracts). 

In most cases, the seedlings cling to their stout seeds and will rely on them until they grow to heights of about 1-2 meters (3.2-6.6 ft). 

Surprisingly, these stolons photosynthesize when they get light. That makes the seedling fully dependent on its seed for survival. This explains why monsteras of stolon-like young plants have bigger seeds. The large size means less spreading and production of seeds. 

Finally, stolon-like seedlings only develop leaves once they have a support structure to climb on. 

2. Non-distinctive seedlings

As the name implies, this baby monstera plant category has non-distinctive seedlings that fall under the Tornelia section. The Monstera plants featured in this category include the Monstera deliciosa as well as other Monstera species, including:

  • M. adansonii
  • Monstera acacoyaguensis
  • Monstera adansonii var. laniata
  • Monstera subpinnata
  • Monstera siltepecana
  • M. epipremnoides
  • M. standleyana
  • M. obliqua
  • Monstera lechleriana
  • Monstera pinnatipartita

After germination, the non-distinctive seedling will produce its initial two leaves, usually cataphylls. After that, the vine will develop more monstera leaves which gradually grow larger as the stems grow thicker until they enter the juvenile phase. 

Expect the leaves of your baby monsteras to vary in size, texture, color, and shape, based on the plant species. While most monsteras have heart-shaped leaves, others may be oval, oblong, etc.

You won’t find baby monsteras in the jungle with their seed coats. And when cultivated, the seedlings wither quickly, and by the time the seedlings are 1 to 3 inches, the seed coats will be empty.

Baby Monstera Deliciosa care and growth conditions

The monstera deliciosa is a climbing evergreen that is easy to keep happy as they require minimal effort in care. This amazing pot plant prefers bright indirect light, warm and humid conditions, well-drained soil, and regular misting and watering. 

Here are the best baby monstera care tips to help you keep your indoor plant lush and healthy. Remember to avoid extremes because baby monsteras are fragile. 

1. Temperature and humidity

These indoor plants love the warm and humid environment, like their native tropical habitat. Your baby monstera prefers a temperature range of 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (18-29°C). 

With temperatures below 65°C, your young monstera will likely experience stunted growth. That’s something you want to avoid.

While humid conditions are ideal, we recommend ensuring normal room humidity. If your space has low humidity, consider adding a quality humidifier to boost humidity levels.  

You can also choose to mist your baby monsteras several times weekly to help increase humidity or shift them to higher-level spaces. And by the way, a monstera plant can withstand some periods of drought. 

Avoid placing your young plant in extreme temperatures, such as cold spots with AC ventilators or near appliances that emit heat, like heating systems. Again, avoid making drastic changes to your temperature. 

You can monitor the humidity or ensure ideal temperatures using Govee Hygrometer Thermometer H5075. The hi-tech gadget has a Smart App Alert that notifies you when the humidity or temperature exceeds the set levels.  

Not surprisingly, low humidity can leave your baby monstera with scorches (crusty brown tips or edges), curly or droopy leaves, and discoloration where the leaves turn yellow or brown. Ultimately, this affects the growth of your baby monstera deliciosa plant. 

2. Indirect Light

The monstera deliciosa species enjoys lots of bright light but don’t be tempted to expose it to direct sun which usually causes sunburns. It can also bleach, scorch and wash out the leaves, turning them yellow. The leaves may also curl, leading to a wilted or droopy plant. 

Light plays a crucial role in the photosynthesis process and the formation of chlorophyll. Make sure you’re providing your plant with the right amount of light.

Monsters deliciosa can adapt to medium amounts of light, although it can hamper their growth. Lower light will make your plant’s leaves grow paler, smaller, or yellow, leaving you with a leggy plant. If this condition is prolonged, the leaves are likely to drop. 

3. Soil

Potting your cute little monstera plant in good soil is essential since poor soil causes root rot. When it comes to your potting soil, ensure it’s well-drained, aerated with large amounts of organic matter.

Remember to use a pot with enough drainage holes. Consider adding perlite or lava rocks to enhance soil aeration. Alternatively, you could take the DIY option by mixing perlite and peat moss. Then add some bark chips and worm casting.

4. Watering and Misting Regularly

Your baby monstera will thrive with the right amount of watering and misting. It’s normal that occasionally, you may forget to water your plant. When that happens, don’t stress. 

A baby monstera only requires a shower once or twice a week. If possible, use filtered water and mist them in bright light.

Ensure the soil is moist and not wet as the seedlings sprout. The baby plants will need more moisture at this stage since they have yet to develop a robust rooting system. 

And please don’t wait for the topmost inches of the soil to dry before watering as it is with established monsteras.

Water your baby plant using a spray bottle immediately after the topsoil shows signs of drying. Again, don’t overdo it, as overwatering may cause root rot.  

Some early overwatering signs include wilting and yellowing leaves with black or brown splotches. Check the potting mix for moldy or pests that thrive in moist environments. 

On the flip side, never allow the potting mix to become completely dry. This may cause the plant to droop, curl or grow slowly. Sometimes the leaves may start to wither, scorch or fall off. 

See: Can monstera live in water?

5. Fertilizer

Wait to add fertilizer to your Monstera seedling. Wait for the baby plant to be four months old or grow to 3-4 inches in height. This is because most potting soils come mixed with the right amount of fertilizer. Again, the young plant will need to grow more roots to use the fertilizer. 

We recommend using a multifaceted liquid fertilizer like Miracle-Gro Houseplant food to promote the growth of your Monstera deliciosa plant. Be sure to apply the fertilizer once monthly as per the recommended ratio in summer or spring. 

6. Support

It’s hard to find seeds of stolon-like monstera plants. But if you’re lucky to find them, remember to give the seedlings a vertical structure to climb on; otherwise, they will creep along the ground.

Moreover, these little climbers will only develop leaves once they grow upwards.

Pruning a monstera plant 

We know every snip or cut of the big and lush leaves on your baby monstera can feel like you’re killing your little beauty and turning you into a criminal, right? 

You’re allowed to prune those vines or aerial roots that grow unruly and monstrous because that’s your only option since the leaves sit at the tail end of the long gnarly stalk. 

It’s important to know how and when to prune your Monstera. Cut just below the leaf node to avoid leaving a stump. Remove the damaged or dead stems and leaves to achieve a jungle look. 

Propagating a new monstera plant

Like other vine plants, it’s easy to propagate monsteras from stem cuttings in a potting mix or pure water. Always go for vine tips with some leaves that have already formed starter nubs of roots. 

For a piece measuring 4 to 5 inches, cut it just below the leaf nodes before removing the lower leaves to expose 2-4 leaf nodes and some aerial root nubs. Healthy aerial roots are vital in supporting the plant and absorbing atmospheric moisture. 

When rooting in water, put the plant cutting in a jar or vase, ensuring the nodes are submerged. Once you see a bunch of healthy roots, replant the cuttings in your soil. 

If you’re propagating directly in a potting mix, use the right rooting hormone to coat the area of the cut stem. Then place it in its new location. 

It’s amazing that most monstera plants form their rooting system easily and faster, so expect a forest of baby monsteras to look after. 

Transplanting Baby Monsteras 

So, when is the right time to transplant your baby monstera deliciosa plant into its growth pots? Well, we are still looking for a general guideline. 

We recommend you wait until they form 3-5 real leaves, not cataphylls, before you can transplant. If you want a bold, all-bushy green plant, put several seedlings in one pot.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where should I put this Baby Monstera?

Monstera plants enjoy warm and humid conditions and bright light but not direct sun. Keep it indoors in a place with the right temperatures too.  

What is the size of a baby monstera?

With the right growing conditions and support, a baby monstera plant can measure around 15 centimeters in height and 9.5 centimeters wide. 

What do baby monsteras feed on? 

Baby monstera deliciosa plants love vegan, organic plant food. Feed them once a month during summer or spring, their growing season.

How should I water my baby monstera?

These exotic climbers prefer tropical rainforest conditions. Hence, you should only water them when the soil’s top inches look and feel dry. Wait to water until the soil is soggy. Drain off excess water from the pot or saucer after misting or watering your plant.  


The baby monstera deliciosa plant is awesome and remains a favorite houseplant among indoor enthusiasts.

Thanks to its ease of care and distinct appearance, this beauty, with its unique silhouette and larger sculptural leaves, will make a powerful statement in your home décor. Go ahead and add it to your plant family. 

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